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Thursday, May 15, 2014

[METHOD] My (new) tumblr money making method

Hi guys. Nowadays, it is hard to make money with tumblr, with the old methods, plugrush ->> bann, adult tumblr with ads ->> bann, affilate content ->> bann.

But, there is a good way to earn money.

There is a quite new function in tumblr, when you type a keyword into the search bar, you will get a page like this (URL) -> , the old search worked like ->

Why the new search function is awesome? Because if a post get more and more notes (likes, reblogs) it will get to the top, it notnecessary to have a well visited and known blog, just to have likes and reblogs. And if we are focusing to a big niche like -> landscape, health, food, fashion etc, and get our post to the to we can get really good traffic.

And how to make money with it?
ChaCha affilates. Why? Because Mylikes shaves, banns, and hates you, and you hate mylikes, Adfly -> instant bann, adult tumblr with ads -> instant bann
ChaCha won't bann you, I earned $129.89 so far, I got paid once (~95$), they have great ads, and tumblr won't bann you (I always got bann with Mylikes ads)
So ChaCha registration: -> Non Affilate link
It is not necessary to register under me, but It would be thanks for this method

What we need now?

Tumblr Accounts
It is easy, just creat through the browser. Most people say don't create more than 3-5 account from 1 ip, but I using 20 accounts from 1 IP, you just should be clever, don't follow till the limit (200), just try to follow about 120 people a day.
More accounts more money -> More Notes or/and more pictures to note (You can post with every account, and like/reblog, each picture from each account to spread your pictures really)

Tumblr Pictures
Sure you can go with 1-2 pictures per day, but why, if you can post 50/day. Get a free image scraper from Download / Black Hat Tools thread (I advise TumblrRipper -> it is cheap (I bought for 3$), fast, and do the work really smooth and great, you can download from flickr, by tags, by blog etc

Tumblr Bot (optional)
Sure, this is why great this method. You don't need a bot, you can like and reblog by hand, and it won't take much time (I tried with 25 accounts, it reblog and like with every account in 5-10 mins)
But with a bot it is easy, just sit back and wait. You can go with 100-200 accounts too, which means a lots of notes.
Bot advises: Pr Traffic Booster ( I use this, it is really great, and with this method you won't need scraper, [ops you need because of follows, but there are other ways to scrape tumblr users])

Why this is a great method for newbies?
You don't need to invest, you don't need to know seo, you don't have to write articles. You need to work with it sure, but it is a "hard labour" I think
You can get decent money from it, and then start a serious method from it.

Why this is method is good?
As you have a bot, and you follow accounts with every account you have, and then reblog each of your posts from each of your account -> your post/picture will spread, which means a lots of note, and better  positions in keywords

I think it is a clean method for newbies too, I am looking for your judgment, your twists.
Have a great day, and great money

(My english level like a fknk goat's, sorry for that )    

Friday, May 9, 2014

How I Bank Over $2,000's a Month with Google Adsense All On Complete Autopilot

Hey guys, I just want to share this Ebook that I found. it'is not mine, But I tried the Method, It's Working and extremely Successful.


Credits: malinoss