Tuesday, April 29, 2014

My Very Personal Method to Increase My Traffic to My Blogs

Hello guys! today i thought to write tutorial which should helps you to increase your daily traffics utterly for free. Right first of all i'm a guy who struggled to increase my sales and traffics since last 3 years... by the way this is targeted time to reveal the entire truth of traffics and how do i get it?

My Simple traffic is Hubpages...

Why hubpages?

Yes it is, because my most 75% traffics are coming from Hubpages and i got some good sales too.. Now what should i do now? Yes i can instruct you very clearly to retrieve targeted traffics to your blog or website.

  • First of all register on hubpages.com
  • Afterwards write about your self and make more authoritative your profile.
  • Write a hub related to your topics and make sure place only one anchor text to your blog or money site (If it's affiliate link - make sure you must aware from affiliate links in-depth it's recognized as "No-follow")
  • Keep up your hub score - that means you should write very authoritative and quality content to your hubs.
  • Take your time and write - Don't be silly to get everything as soon as possible through-out it won't be stable.
  • Sometimes your hub will unpublished due to some improvement of the hub score. Then you've need to write more contents and use their capsules to attention your readers.
  • Don't write for robots - Write for humans who seeks your topics.
After that see will you? You would flooded with pure traffics..    

Credits from: Ghoztseo BHW


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